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Organized Desk

Research Grants

Grants: Recognitions


2021-2024 (PI with Ben Turner)

Strengthening the sense of belonging to Singapore: Explicating cognitive, affective and neural pathways ($639,165)


2021-2022 (PI with Ben Turner)

Perceived and Actual Effectiveness of COVID-19 Communication - What, How and Whom to Address ($197,139.60)

NMRC Grant

2021-2023 (Co-PI)

Vaccine communication and messaging:  Addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
and promoting population acceptance

NISTH Seed Grant

2020-2022 (PI)

Screening and accuracy nudging to combat misinformation on COVID-19: AI-based prototype development and pilot intervention (S$40,000)

MOE AcRF Tier 1 Grant

2018-2022 (PI)

Toward a comprehensive theory of defensive resistance in health communication (S$58,800)


2018-2021 (Co-PI)

Preventing obesity-related diseases from young: Evaluating the longitudinal impact of a multimedia intervention in promoting self-regulation of calorie consumption in children

The HASS Incentive Scheme

2016-2018 (PI)

Developing strategies to promote risk reducing behaviours during a haze crisis (S$5,000)

5K Grant

2014-2016 (PI)

Effects of Interactive Narratives and Cultural Congruency on Promoting Influenza Vaccination

Start-Up Grant NTU

2014-2018 (PI)

Enhancing Narrative Persuasion for Cancer Prevention and Control: Efficacy Information in Gain- and Loss- Framed Narrative Health Messages (S$50,000)

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