44. Lee, T.K., & Kim, H.K. (in press). An enjoyable story, a persuasive story: Exploring narrative enjoyment in narrative persuasion. Journal of Media Psychology
43. Kim, H.K., & Kim, Y. (2021). Protective behaviors against particulate air pollution: Self-construal, risk perception, and direct experience in the theory of planned behavior. Environmental Communication, 15(8), 1092-1108.
42. Zheng, H., Kim, H.K., Sin, S-C. J. Theng, Y-L. (2021). A theoretical model of cyberchondria development: Antecedents and intermediate processes.  Telematics and Informatics.
41. Kim, H.K. & Tandoc Jr. E. (2021, online first). Wear or Not to Wear a Mask? Recommendation Inconsistency, Government Trust and the Adoption of Protection Behaviors in Cross-Lagged TPB Models. Health Communication
40. Li, B. J., & Kim, H.K. (2021; equal contribution). Experiencing organ failure in virtual reality: Effects of self- versus other-embodied perspective taking on empathy and prosocial outcomes. New Media & Society, 23(8), 2144-2166.
39. Cheng, L.C.R, & ~Kim, H. K (2021). Eye Screenings Among Singaporeans Aged 40 to 60: A Formative Research Based on The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Singapore Medical Journal.
38. Kim, H.K., & Lwin, M.O. (2020, online first). Cultural Determinants of Cancer Fatalism and Cancer Prevention Behaviors. Health Communication
37. Zheng,J., Sin, S.C.J., Kim, H.K., & Theng, Y.L. (2020). Cyberchondria: a systematic review. Internet Research,31(2), 677-698.
36. Kim, H.K. Ahn, J., Atkinson, L. & Kahlor, L.A. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 Misinformation on Information Seeking, Avoidance, and Processing: A Multicountry Comparative Study, 42 (5), 586-615.
35. Shi, J., & Kim, H.K. (2020). Mental health conditions in young Asian adults and motivation to seek counselling: A cross-country study. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 32 (6-7), 328-333.
34. Kang, H., & Kim, H.K. (2020, online first). My avatar and the affirmed self: Psychological and persuasive implications of avatar customization. Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106446.
33. Kim, N., Kim H.K., Wojcieszak, M, & Igartua, J-J. (2020) The Presence of the Protagonist: Explaining Narrative Perspective Effects Through Social Presence. Media Psychology, 23, 6.
32. Shi, J. & Kim, H.K. (2020). Integrating risk perception attitude framework and the theory of planned behavior to predict mental health promotion behaviors among young adults. Health Communication,35(5),597-606.
31. Kim, H.K., Lee, T.K., & **Kong, W. Y. (2020). The interplay between framing and regulatory focus in processing narratives about HPV vaccination in Singapore. Health Communication, 35, 222-232.
30. Kim, H.K., & Lai, C. H. (2020). Seeking and sharing information about transboundary air pollution in Singapore: Effects of own and others’ information insufficiency. Environmental Communication, 14, 68-81.
29. Kim, H.K. & Kim, Y. (2019). Risk information seeking and processing about particulate air pollution in South Korea: The roles of cultural worldview. Risk Analysis, 39 (5), 1071-1087.
28. Kim, H.K., *Lim, R., & *Wong, D. (2019). Psychosocial Motivators for Moderate Drinking among Young Asian Flushers in Singapore. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(11), 1897.
27. Chung, M.J, & Kim, H.K. (2019). Effects of Media Frame and Onset Controllability on Support for Postpartum Depression Policy. Journal of Health Communication, 24, 7-8
26. Kim, J., Kim, H. K., Kim, S., & Lin S-F. (2019). Cultural trait vs. personality trait: Predicting the appeal of Korean entertainment among Asian viewers in Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63, 285-303.
25. Lou, C., & Kim, H.K. (2019). Fancying the New Rich and Famous? Explicating the Roles of Influencer Content, Credibility, and Parental Mediation in Adolescents’ Parasocial Relationship, Materialism, and Purchase Intentions. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 25-67.
24. Marsoof, A., Lou, C., & Kim, H.K. (2019). Plain packaging and tobacco trade marks: A constitutional and empirical study from Singapore. European Intellectual Property Review, 41 (9), 555-563.
23. Shin, W.S., & Kim, H. K. (2019). What motivates parents to mediate children’s use of smartphones? An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63 (1), 144-159.
22. Kim, H.K., & Lee, T. K. (2018). Curious or afraid of using study drugs? The effects of self-referent thoughts and identification on anticipated affect. International Journal of Communication, 12, 22.
21. Kim, H.K., & Lee, T. K. (2018). Combining two outcome frames to promote support for obesity-related policies. Journal of Health Communication, 23(8), 751-760.
20. Kim, H.K., & Lee, T. K. (2017). Conditional effects of gain-loss framed narratives among current smokers at different stages of change. Journal of Health Communication, 22(12), 990-998.
19. Lee, T. K., & Kim, H. K. (2017). Differential effects of message framing on obesity policy support between Democrats and Republicans. Health Communication, 32(12),1481-1490.
18. Kim, H. K., & Lwin, M. O. (2017). Cultural effects on cancer prevention behaviors: Fatalistic cancer beliefs and risk optimism among Asians in Singapore. Health Communication, 32(10),1201-1209.
17. Kim, H. K. (2016). Efficacy of value-expressive messages at improving attitudes toward psychiatric help seeking for depression treatment among young adults. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 9(4), 288-297.
16. Kim, H. K., & Shapiro, M. A. (2016). When bad things happen to a protagonist like you: The role of self in resistance to negatively framed health narratives. Journal of Health Communication, 21(12), 1227-1235.
15. Kim, H. K., & Niederdeppe, J. (2016). Effects of self-affirmation, narratives, and informational messages in reducing unrealistic optimism about alcohol-related problems among college students. Human Communication Research, 42 (2), 246-268.
14. Kim, H. K., Niederdeppe, J., Graham, M., Olson, C., & Gay, G. (2015). Effects of online self-regulation activities on physical activity among pregnant and early postpartum women. Journal of Health Communication,20,1115-1124.
13. Kim, H. K., *Kim, S., & Niederdeppe, J. (2015). Scientific uncertainty as a moderator of the relationship between descriptive norm and intentions to engage in cancer risk-reducing behaviors. Journal of Health Communication, 20, 387-395.
12. Guillory, J., Niederdeppe, J., Kim, H. K., Pollak, J.P., Graham, M., Olson, C., & Gay, G. (2014). Does social support predict pregnant mothers’ information seeking behaviors on an educational website? Maternal and Child Health Journal,18(9), 2218-2225.
11. Kim, H. K., Niederdeppe, J., Guillory, J., Graham, M., Olson, C., & Gay, G. (2014). Determinants of pregnant women’s online self-regulatory activities for appropriate gestational weight gain. Health Communication, 30, 922-932.
10. Parra, P. A., Kim, H. K., Shapiro, M. A., Gravani, R. B., & Bradley, S. D. (2014). Home food safety knowledge, risk perception, and practices among Mexican-Americans. Food Control, 37,115-125.
9. Niederdeppe, J., Lee, T., Robbins, R., Kim, H. K., Kresovich, A., Kirshenblat, K., Standridge, K., Clarke, C. E., Jensen, J., & Fowler, E. F. (2014). Content and Effects of News Stories about Uncertain Cancer Causes and Preventive Behaviors. Health Communication, 29, 332-346.
8. Niederdeppe, J., Shapiro, M. A., Kim, H. K., Bartolo, D. B., & Porticella, N. P. (2014). Narrative persuasion, causality, complex integration, and support for obesity policy. Health Communication, 29, 431-444.
7. Niederdeppe, J., Roh, S., Shapiro, M.A., & Kim, H. K. (2013). Effects of emphasizing environmental determinants of obesity on intentions to engage in diet and exercise behaviors. Preventing Chronic Disease, 10,130-163.
6. Kim, H. K., & Niederdeppe, J. (2013). The role of emotional response during an H1N1 influenza pandemic on a college campus. Journal of Public Relations Research, 25, 30-50.
5. Kim, H. K., & Niederdeppe, J. (2012). Exploring optimistic bias and the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction in the context of a campus influenza outbreak. Journal of Health Communication, 18, 206-222.
4. Niederdeppe, J., Kim, H. K., Lundell, H. C., Frazier, B., & Fazili, F. (2012). Beyond counterarguing: Simple elaboration, complex integration and counter-elaboration in response to variations in narrative focus and sidedness. Journal of Communication, 62, 758-777.
3. Shapiro, M. A., & Kim, H. K. (2012). Realism judgments and mental resources: A cue processing model of media narrative realism. Media Psychology, 15, 93-119.
2. Kim, H. K., Bartolo, D., & Niederdeppe, J. (2011). Exploring attributions and emotional reactions in processing narratives about obesity. Journal of Health & Mass Communication, 3, 168-190.
1. Kim, H. K., & Yang, S.-U. (2009). Cognitive processing of crisis communication: Effects of CSR and crisis response strategies on stakeholder perceptions of a racial crisis dynamics. Public Relations Journal.